All The Places You Must Go

Instagram meets direction routing

Given two locations, rather than returning the most optimal path, directions are routed to the most popular Instagram destinations along the way and within a specified distance from the start and end points. If you're late, so what? At least you saw some things.

This project is currently under development as I refactor the code using alternative APIs to find nearby places and add live-updating instructions.

Role: prototyping, programming, client and server development, design, user experience, web scraping

Tools: Node.js, Mapbox GL, Facebook Places API, ejs

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GitHub repository for the project

Purposely, the places are unlabelled in favor of having the destinations be surprises once the user arrives.

When the user inputs two locations, they are processed through Facebook’s Places API to find nearby places.

Webscraping was used to gather Instagram data for each place: the number of photos tagged to that location and the number of likes for these photos.